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Report Command Introduction

report command can expand a report (Geist template) using a dataset.

What is a Geist template?

A Geist template is a text file without a specific extension requirement although adding a .geist extension is recommended. It is an extension of a Jinja template, therefore it follows the default Jinja delimiters:

  • {% ... %} for Statements
  • {{ ... }} for Expressions to print to the template output
  • {# ... #} for Comments not included in the template output

How to write a Geist template?

A Geist template relies on tags and filters.


Tags are used within the statements, i.e., {% ... %}. There are two types of tags, StandaloneTag and ContainerTag. While the StandaloneTag does not require a closing tag, the ContainerTag does. Besides the Jinja predefined tags (e.g., for), Geist supports the following tags:



Custom tags can be defined through files with the use tag.


Filters are used to modify variables. Each filter can only take one variable as input. Multiple filters can be applied to a single variable in sequence. For example, {{ var|filter1|filter2|filter3 }} denotes the variable var will be processed through filter1 first, then filter2, and filter3 at the end.

Geist supports the following filters:

  • json2df: convert a JSON string to a Pandas data frame
  • json2dict: convert a JSON string to a dictionary
  • df2json: convert a Pandas data frame to a JSON string
  • df2htmltable: convert a Pandas data frame to an HTML table
  • escape_quotes: escape both double and single quotation marks
  • process_str_for_html: preprocess a string to be displayed within an HTML document, e.g., replace < with &lt

How to execute (expand) a Geist template?

Here are options of the report command:

Usage: geist report [OPTIONS]

Expand a report using a dataset

-f, --file FILENAME            Path of the file containing the report
                                template to expand  [required]
-oroot, --outputroot TEXT      Path of the directory to store the expanded
                                report (default: current directory)
-so, --suppressoutput BOOLEAN  Suppress output or not (default: False)
--help                         Show this message and exit.

Example 1: expand a report from stdin
geist report << END_TEMPLATE

{% create "test", datastore="rdflib", inputformat="nt", isfilepath=False %}
    <> <> <> .
    <> <> "Hello World" .
{% endcreate %}

{% query "test", datastore="rdflib", isfilepath=False as all_triples %}
    SELECT ?s ?p ?o
    WHERE {
        ?s ?p ?o
    ORDER BY ?s ?p ?o
{% endquery %}

{% for _, row in all_triples.iterrows() %}
    Subject: {{ row["s"] }}, Predicate: {{ row["p"] }}, Object: {{ row["o"] }}.
{% endfor %}

{% destroy "test", datastore="rdflib" %}

Example 2: expand a report from file
geist report --file report.geist

Here is the report.geist file:

{% create "test", datastore="rdflib", inputformat="nt", isfilepath=False %}
    <> <> <> .
    <> <> "Hello World" .
{% endcreate %}

{% query "test", datastore="rdflib", isfilepath=False as all_triples %}
    SELECT ?s ?p ?o
    WHERE {
        ?s ?p ?o
    ORDER BY ?s ?p ?o
{% endquery %}

{% for _, row in all_triples.iterrows() %}
    Subject: {{ row["s"] }}, Predicate: {{ row["p"] }}, Object: {{ row["o"] }}.
{% endfor %}

{% destroy "test", datastore="rdflib" %}