Command load

load command can import data into an existing dataset.

There are two subcommands for load:

Usage: geist load [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Import data into a dataset

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  duckdb  Import data into a SQL dataset
  rdflib  Import data into a RDF dataset

Usage: geist load duckdb [OPTIONS]

Import data into a SQL dataset

-d, --dataset TEXT              Name of SQL dataset to load a file (default
-ifile, --inputfile FILENAME    Path of the file to be loaded as a table
-iformat, --inputformat [csv|json]
                                Format of the file to be loaded as a table
                                (default csv)
-t, --table TEXT                Name of the table to be created  [required]
--help                          Show this message and exit.
Example: load a file into the test dataset
geist load duckdb --dataset test --inputfile test_add.csv --inputformat csv --table df

Here are options of the load command:

Usage: geist load rdflib [OPTIONS]

Import data into a RDF dataset

-d, --dataset TEXT              Name of RDF dataset to load a file (default
-ifile, --inputfile FILENAME    Path of the file to be loaded as triples
-iformat, --inputformat [xml|n3|turtle|nt|pretty-xml|trix|trig|nquads|json-ld|hext|csv]
                                Format of the file to be loaded as triples
                                (default json-ld)
--colnames TEXT                 Column names of triples with the format of
                                [[subject1, predicate1, object1], [subject2,
                                predicate2, object2], ...] when the input
                                format is csv
--help                          Show this message and exit.

Example: load a file into the test dataset
geist load rdflib --dataset test --inputfile test_add.jsonld

Check the load tag.