Command graph

graph command can visualize a dataset. Only rdflib is supported for now.

Usage: geist graph [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Visualize a dataset

  --help  Show this message and exit.
Usage: geist graph rdflib [OPTIONS]

Visualize an RDF dataset

-d, --dataset TEXT              Name of RDF dataset to be visualized
                                (default "kb")
-r, --rankdir [TB|BT|LR|RL]     Direction of the graph (default TB): TB or
                                BT or LR or RL
-m, --mappings TEXT             File of the mappings to shorten text (str):
                                path of a JSON file, where the key is the
                                original text and the value is the shorter
-on, --on TEXT                  Column(s) to be mapped.
-sc, --samecolor                Use the same color for same edges.
-oroot, --outputroot TEXT       Path of the directory to store the graph
                                (default: current directory). If the given
                                path (i.e., --outputfile) is a relative
                                path, it will be ignored.
-ofile, --outputfile TEXT       Path of the file without extension to store
                                the graph (default: res)
-oformat, --outputformat [none|svg|png|gv]
                                Format of the graph (default: none): none or
                                svg or png or gv
--help                          Show this message and exit.
Example: visualize the test dataset
geist graph rdflib --dataset test --outputformat svg 

Check the graph tag.